How to control Your Shop.

  • Using "Your Shop" is simple and fun.
  • You probably wont have to read all of this manual to understand how Your shop works
  • Remember that you can change any of the information at any time
  • To make a change, you need to alter the section "The new selection"
  • Remember when you have made the changes, click
  • Category Names

  • To start using your shop click the "Control Panel" at the bottom left of the page. (It is in green). Next just click on the first line; "Decide upon your category names." A form is presented where you are able to enter the names of six categories. Just enter the name of the categories you wish to sell things under in each space. (in the "new selection")
  • Try to keep the names short and concise.
  • If you don't have six categories just leave the space blank. If you have more than six categories don't worry we am able to expand your categories, this is just a trial for you to use.
  • After you have entered the categories, press the button "Make Changes", and the system will update with the categories that you have entered.
  • At the bottom of the page select a shop to view. You will see your categories listed in a menu (either at the top or at the side)
  • Add a new item, remove an item, alter and item or view the database.

  • To add a new item click You will be presented with a screen asking you to enter the category (a drop down list from the categories you entered). You will also be asked to enter the item name, description, price, code, weight and number in stock. Just enter that you want.
  • The last thing on the page asks you to is to upload an image of your product. You must upload a jpeg file that must not be more than 100 kilobytes. If you are not sure how to do this click here - it isn't very difficult. After you upload your image and information, it will be presented on the screen for you to see.
  • You are able to view your database of products and remove or edit them. Just follow the directions on the screen. To edit or remove an item you must know the item code and the item name.
  • Address, font colour and title.

  • Just enter the information that you want.
  • If you do not wish to advertise a mobile or address, just leave the form blank.
  • Please remember to press the "Make Changes" button. Click on any shop to see how your site looks. Change it, until you see what you want.
  • The page background and navigation buttons.

  • Choose the background colour that you want for your shop.
  • Choose the thickness or width and of the borders that you want. Choose the colours that you want for the borders and the colours of the buttons for the categories and the amount spent. Choose the fonts that you want and the link colours
  • Click on any shop to view the changes that you have made.
  • The advisory panel

  • The running total or advisory panel is not available in all shops.
  • You are able to control the fonts, colours and borders of the advisory panel.
  • Make some changes to see how the advisory panel looks (if you want one)
  • The item selection page.

  • This page allows you to decide how your products will be displayed once a category is chosen.
  • The height of the column is the number of pixels that you want for the panel that is displaying your products. (If you are not sure choose about 300 and experiment from there.)
  • Remember you can change your settings as many times as you want.
  • The image height is the percentage of the space that you have chosen in the panel above to display your product in. If you want the image to be the height of the panel, choose "100%". If you want a border for your image, you will need to choose a height of "95%" or less.
  • Image width is the the percentage of the width of the screen that you want for the products.
  • Choose the fonts, currency, colours and borders that you want.
  • The larger image and more detailed description

  • All shops have this page.
  • The image height is the percentage of the height of the page that you want your product to be.
  • The image width is a percentage of the width of the ....
  • The width of the text block can also be edited as well as various fonts, colours and borders.
  • The shopping till and number of items selection.

  • Edit or change fonts, the colours and borders of the cells.
  • The checkout and shipping information.

  • Edit or change fonts, the colours and borders of the cells.